Writer of Many Things


Children’s stories and books, Postman Pat comic scripts, Moomin picture books, BBC radio and TV schools programmes, articles, short stories, even a novel and the odd poem. You name it, I’ve written it.

it’s quite an amount of published, broadcast and online work so why start a blog now?

You can blame Michael J Malone for it. MJM Ink, as his mentoring service is known. I spent an afternoon in his company getting a severe kick up the rear end and came home, sore but determined to DO BETTER.

So I will be posting here what I’m writing and what is being published. If I post nothing or admit to having written nothing, then feel free to chastise, castigate, censure, reprimand, rebuke or chide as the notion takes you.

Here’s one of Michael’s chosen quotes from his coursebook:

If you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re usually right – Henry Ford

Think about it!

And Michael’s books are pretty good too.

One thought on “Writer of Many Things

  1. That’s very impressive, Ann. You only attended the course on Tuesday. Must have been very motivational. Sorry I missed it. Been a week of missing things for me. As you may have seen on FB!


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